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Sullair oil filter oil filter 250025-526

update:2019-10-20 15:54      Click:times
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    Maintenance of Sullair Oil Filter: When the monitor sends out the maintenance signal of the oil filter (the △P2 light flashes on the panel), the operator should maintain the oil filter and replace the filter element in time. Maintenance w

Maintenance of Sullair Oil Filter:
     When the monitor sends out the maintenance signal of the oil filter (the △P2 light flashes on the panel), the operator should maintain the oil filter and replace the filter element in time. Maintenance work is carried out as follows:
(1) Remove the filter element and O-ring with a band wrench;
(2) cleaning the sealing surface;
(3) Apply a layer of clean compressor oil to the O-ring of the new filter element;
(4) Replace and tighten the new filter element;
(5) Check the power on, whether it leaks oil;
Note that the filter element is dedicated to Sullair and cannot be replaced by other products. The filter element can only be replaced and cannot be cleaned.


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