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Injection screw heat collecting forming unit back

update:2019-10-22 15:38      Click:times
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    1 of the circulating water is heated to 75 DEG C 2 circulating water pumps have: inverse phase, phase protection, overload protection, water protection, air compressor oil temperature is too low, the pump does not start or stop control. 3


1 of the circulating water is heated to 75 DEG C

2 circulating water pumps have: inverse phase, phase protection, overload protection, water protection, air compressor oil temperature is too low, the pump does not start or stop control.

3 water pumps have: inverse phase, phase protection, overload protection, water protection, water supply pipeline pressure control system (without additional wiring) circulating water temperature control function of barrel.

4: air compressor fan start stop temperature setting, circulating pump start and stop heating temperature, pump start and stop temperature setting, the proportion of circulating liquid level display.

5 circulating water pump, water pump, integrated together, simple installation, convenient installation, can reduce the power distribution and control system.

6 all the brand components is stable and reliable, complete protection function, perfect.

The main components of the heat recovery unit is heat exchanger unit, the brazed plate heat exchanger, high heat transfer coefficient, good heat transfer effect, easy to change the heat exchange area or flow combination; and has the advantages of small volume, small area, light weight, easy to clean.

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