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Heat recovery unit with built-in injection screw

update:2019-10-22 15:36      Click:times
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    The built-in air compressor internal, tailored, integrated, better than the original configuration. Precise control of oil temperature between 82 DEG -88 deg. The air outlet of low temperature to 50 degrees centigrade. The amount of lubric

  1. The built-in air compressor internal, tailored, integrated, better than the original configuration.

  2. Precise control of oil temperature between 82 DEG -88 deg.

  3. The air outlet of low temperature to 50 degrees centigrade.

  4. The amount of lubricating oil to save 20%.

  5. Space saving, convenient maintenance area, air compressor.

  6. Will not appear phenomenon of oil tubing penetration.

    With the economy of all functions.

    The main components of the heat recovery unit is heat exchanger unit, the brazed plate heat exchanger, high heat transfer coefficient, good heat transfer effect, easy to change the heat exchange area or flow combination; and has the advantages of small volume, small area, light weight, easy to clean.

上一篇:Oil-water separator

下一篇:Injection screw heat collecting forming unit back
